Isabella the bear will find this travel notebook really useful on her adventures.

Why don't you make one and take it on your next outing, collect tickets, leaves, draw pictures, write where you went, who you met and what you did...

You can make a new one for every new holiday or new adventure and build a library just like Isabella.


Materials and tools needed

  • A piece of A4 card for the cover (if you don't have card, the side of a cereal box is just the right size and thickness for this)

  • Pretty bits of papers to decorate your cover with

  • Optional. Colourful crayons / pens / coloured tapes

  • A glue stick

  • Scissors 

  • at least 2 pegs

For the inside pages

  • about 6 sheets of A4 paper or a mix of any interesting lined papers / envelope / colouring pages...

For the handle:

  • a pipe cleaner (you could use a string if you don't have a pipe cleaner)

Optional but really nice

  • beads, bells, pompoms

  • An awl (a tool to make holes)  /  this could also be the pointy side of a compass (adult supervision is needed when handling anything sharp and pointy!)


1/ Start with placing the piece of card down horizontally in front of you. Then add various pages over it and layer them till you've got everything together in a pile. We've alternated between white papers, envelopes, colouring pages and pretty lined papers from old notebooks. Now fold all of these pages in two and press the middle. use a few pegs around the edges to keep it in place for the next step.

2/ Attaching the book / making the handle:
Open and mark two dots with a pencil on the inside middle page: right along the line made by the fold crease. The best way to calculate how far apart the handles will need to be is to place your hand in the middle of your book and mark the two dots either side: so they are a "hand width" apart, checking that they are equal distance from the edge on both sides. With an adult, use the awl or the pointy part of a compass and push it through all the layers  of card and  papers to make the two holes where you've marked your dots; make sure you either do this on a carpet or over a piece of old card or newspapers so as not to damage your table or work surface!

Starting on the outside, push one end of your pipe cleaner into the middle of the book and bend the tip to secure it in place. (if using string, make a knot) Now you can thread anything you like onto the pipe cleaner to decorate the handle. When that's done, push the other side of the pipe cleaner into the book, bend this side too to make sure it doesn't come out later.

3/ Decorate your front and back covers by gluing torn or cut bits of papers / with coloured tapes / with pens, add any drawing you like, a title or your name...

4/ It's now ready to be filled with anything you like!

We can't wait to see yours! Take a picture and share it with us by tagging us #circlesquaretv

Created by Syllabubble for Circle Square